Las Sendas


Las Sendas is excited to announce its 2024 Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6 pm. Plan to celebrate all that we've accomplished over the past year, learn the results of our board election, and be entered to win exciting prizes! Registration is required.
Below you'll find board election resources and additional annual meeting information.


Thanks again to everyone who joined us at our 2024 Annual Meeting!
Congratulations to elected board members Mike Whang, Glenn Steiger, and George Gutierrez.
Click below to review the meeting presentation and answers to the submitted questions below.


Absentee Ballot  We strongly encourage owners to vote online. See below for more information.


When is it?
Thursday, November 14, at 6:00 p.m. Check-in starts at 5:30 p.m. 
Where is it?
This meeting will be held at the Las Sendas Trailhead Members Club. The venue address is 7900 E Eagle Crest Dr, Mesa, AZ 85207.
Do I Need to Register
All residents are welcome, but space is limited so registration is required. Click here to register.
Why should I come?
This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, enjoy a free drink and appetizers, enter to win raffle prizes and celebrate Las Sendas together.
Who can attend?
This is our Annual Members Meeting, so all Las Sendas owners are welcome.
What happens at the meeting?
The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. During the meeting:
  • We'll discuss our community's accomplishments this year.
  • Various prizes from our community partners will be raffled off.
  • The results of the board election and the vote on A.R.S. 33-1818 will be announced.
Following the meeting, enjoy live music and appetizers on our beautiful patio. 
Why do we have this meeting?
Our governing documents require an Annual Meeting of Members to fulfill requirements in our bylaws and elect new board members.
How do I submit questions for the Board?
The deadline to submit questions or comments was 5 p.m. on October 31, 2024. Residents are welcome to contact the Board by using the form at


At our 2024 Annual Meeting, three board members will be elected. Two members will serve three (3) year terms. One member will serve a two (2) year term. The length of the term will be determined by the number of votes received for each candidate.
The Board of Directors is an integral part of the community and responsible for the affairs of the Association. Following are some of the qualifications and expectations of board members:
  • A member in good standing.
  • An interest in serving your community.
  • A commitment to upholding the Las Sendas Vision and Mission and all community-related documents and guidelines.
  • A commitment to abide by the code of conduct.  
  • A commitment to attend regular board meetings for the duration of the term.
  • A willingness to also serve on committees and working groups.
After October 4, you can find our list of board member applicants including their photo, name, enclave, and links to their videos and applications in the section titled "BOARD CANDIDATES."
When the time comes, you can vote online using your unique, 16-digit access key that you received in your annual meeting announcement via mail. If you do not have your access code, please call our offices during regular business hours at 480-357-8780. Alternatively, you can obtain and submit a paper ballot at the Trailhead during regular business hours.
  • Online voting closes on Wednesday, November 13 at 4 pm
  • You can obtain and drop off paper ballots at the Trailhead offices until Wednesday, November 13 at 4 pm
  • You may also deliver your ballot at the annual meeting, no later than the Final Call for Ballots at the beginning of the meeting on Thursday, November 14 at 6 p.m.
The results of the board member election will be announced by the end of our annual meeting on Thursday, November 14 at 6 pm.
Officers will be officially appointed by the Board at the special board meeting, which will be scheduled after the Annual Meeting.  


Voting opens the week of October 7, 2024. Come back then to view candidate information.
Mike Whang
Pamela Geroux
Richard Kuehl
Glenn Steiger
George Gutierrez


To ensure a quorum is reached in a timely manner, we strongly encourage you to vote online. Voting instructions and your 16-character access key are mailed by USPS. However, if online voting is not an option, you may submit a paper ballot.
To vote ONLINE, please follow these steps:
  1. Visit
  2. Locate your 16-character access key on the first page of this mailer, under your mailing address. Enter it as displayed and click “Vote now.” By entering your assigned unique access key code, it constitutes your electronic signature as an eligible voter and as required by A.R.S. §33-1812(A).
  3. Once on the ballot page, please click on the “Information” links to read the candidates application, resume (if submitted), and view their recorded interview. Then click on the box next to your selected candidate’s name. No more than two votes may be cast, which includes a vote for a write-in. Only click on “Abstain” if you choose not to vote and only want your ballot to count towards quorum.
    1. If you own multiple properties in LSCA, your vote is weighted and counted as one vote per property you own. To cast your votes independently, you must vote via paper ballot.
  4. You will then be prompted to vote on the approval of the 2022 annual meeting minutes. The minutes are available to be viewed on the ballot, the community website, or at the Trailhead office. When ready, click on “Yes” to approve, “No” to disapprove, or “Abstain” if you choose not to vote or did not attend last year’s meeting.
  5. After you have made all your selections, click on the “Continue” button to review them. Then click “Submit Ballot.” After submission, your vote is final, the ballot is irrevocable, and the “Confirmation” page is your confirmation that your votes were cast successfully.
If you choose to vote by Absentee Ballot, you may download an Absentee Ballot at or request one from the Trailhead office.
Electronic votes and paper ballots must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. (Arizona time) on November 13.  If you plan to attend the meeting, you may deliver your ballot no later than the Final Call for Ballots at the beginning of the meeting. Ballots received after their respective deadline will not be counted. If 343 eligible members do not participate in this voting process or attend the annual meeting, the election and meeting will be rescheduled, costing LSCA additional expenses. 
Can't find what you're looking for? Give us a call during regular business hours at 480-357-8780.