Las Sendas


Posted on May 21, 2021 by Las Sendas Community Association
In the next several months, various Las Sendas enclaves will be affected by road work and/or reconstruction. Some enclave roads will have cracks filled and other minor repairs with no anticipated road closures, while others will see road closures due to asphalt reconstruction or seal coating. If your neighborhood will be affected by road closures, you will receive an email a week or two before road work begins.
Click on your enclave name below to view road closure maps:
Reconstruction (R&R) 
Seal Coat - September & October
During any and all road work, please watch out for construction workers and drive around any cones or signage related to this road work. Additionally, any loud noise will be temporary. Below you'll find a brief explanation of each step of the road reconstruction process as well as several frequently asked questions pertaining to road reconstruction and closure.
During utility adjustment dates, Pinnacle Paving's sub-contractor, On It Construction, will dig around the existing utilities in the streets, primarily sewer and water man-holes. After digging up the pavement and removing the man-holes, a metal plate will be laid down and covered with dirt and aggregate.
The impact of this work on residents should be minimal, though it can be loud. You and your guests can still drive around the areas being worked on, and if a road is blocked by equipment, the contractor will quickly move it out of the way to let you pass. These dirt areas will remain exposed until the roads are paved.
During the milling process, Pinnacle Paving will have large equipment and trucks on the roads. The milling contractor will let people around and in and out of driveways at all times; however, a short delay should be expected when you encounter the milling machine. Milling will remove the existing asphalt, leaving only the sub-terrain material underneath.
Although unsightly, you will be able to drive over the roads until the day your road is paved. Please refer to the map for the exact day your road is scheduled to be paved.
Streets will be closed on paving day, from about 7:00 am on the first date of construction through about 7:00 am the morning after the last date of construction.
During this brief time of road closure:
  • You will not be able to have any landscape or other routine maintenance services.
  • You must turn off your front yard irrigation during road maintenance on your street.
  • You will be accountable for all damage to your vehicles and the work product if you drive around road closures or move any traffic control materials.
  • Your safety and that of the workers are of the utmost importance. Please observe and obey all traffic control devices. Never remove traffic control materials.
After the roads are paved, the subcontractor will return to reinstall the utility manhole covers and pour cement collars around them. The roads will be open, but drivers should still observe and obey traffic control devices.
Please review the frequently asked question below for more details and information, especially if your driveway is adjacent to a closed road. 
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this brief time of enhancement.
Talis (contractor) has been contracted by the City of Mesa to make repairs to existing sewer manholes and construct additional sewer line improvements in the intersection of Red Mountain and Redberry Roads. Construction is anticipated to begin Monday, July 26th, 2021, and will be completed by August 13th, 2021. Click here to see the map. In case of inclement weather or equipment failure, scheduling may be delayed.

If you have any questions or concerns about this work specifically, please contact the Talis Project Hotline at 480-532-5588 or Michele Arrollado with the City of Mesa Engineering Public Relations Department at (480) 644-3800.
1. What if I need to use my vehicle? Where can I park my vehicle?
If you need to use your vehicle during the short period of road closure, please plan ahead by parking your vehicle outside of the area that is designated as closed. You may park your vehicle on Ridgecrest, Eagle Crest, or Mountain Ridge.
2. What if I have landscapers, contractors, or guests scheduled to visit?
You will not be able to have any landscape or other routine maintenance services. Please reschedule these services and notify your guests of the road closure.
3. What about my trash and recycle bins?
Trash and recycling bins will be picked up on regularly scheduled collection days before 7:00 am on the dates of your road closures. Please place your trash bins out the night before to ensure that you are not missed.
4. What if I have scheduled deliveries?
You will not be able to receive deliveries from FedEx, UPS, Amazon, or other carriers on the dates of road closure — please reschedule deliveries with your carrier.
5. What if there is an emergency?
Only official construction and emergency vehicles will be allowed to drive through the construction area or on a wet seal. As always, resident health and safety is always the top priority at Las Sendas.
6. What if there is bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances?
In the event of inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances that would require your enclave's road work and closures to be rescheduled, we will do our best to notify you via email.
7. So what is actually happening to these roads?
The roads identified in the reconstruction map will be milled, meaning that the asphalt surface will be removed. Then, it will be cleaned up, graded, and repaved, and you'll have shiny new roads! Check out the Las Sendas resident-submitted video of the process.
Still have questions? Feel free to give us a call anytime on weekdays, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, at 480-357-8780.
Updated May 24, 2021.
Posted on May 5, 2021 by Las Sendas Community Association
Our new Las Sendas amenity access card system is LIVE! This means that your old pool cards and court keys will no longer work. You must have a new amenity access card to use these Las Sendas amenities.
This system will provide additional security, be more convenient with the single card versus multiple keys, and maintain the exclusivity of our community amenities for residents only.
If you picked up your card at one of our events and the card is not allowing you access to the amenities, you can call the Trailhead at 480-357-8780. Please have your card handy so we can activate it over the phone for you.
If you were unable to pick up your new amenity access card(s) at one of our scheduled pick up events, you can now pick them up from our office at the Trailhead during regular business hours.
The Trailhead Members Club
7900 E. Eagle Crest Dr.
Mesa, AZ 85207
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
If you cannot pick up your amenity access card(s) yourself, you may designate a neighbor, friend, or family member to do that for you using the following form:
The first card issued to each lot in Las Sendas will be provided free of charge. Each lot is allowed up to two additional amenity access cards at $50 each. These can be purchased at the Trailhead office using a debit card, credit card, or check — no cash will be accepted.
1. When will the new amenity access cards be available to pick up?
The new amenity access cards are now available for pick up from our office at the Trailhead during regular business hours.
The Trailhead Members Club
7900 E. Eagle Crest Dr.
Mesa, AZ 85207
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
If you cannot pick up your amenity access card(s) yourself, you may designate a neighbor, friend, or family member to do that for you using the following form:
5. What should I do with my old card(s) and key(s)?
You may now dispose of old cards and keys as they will no longer work at any of our amenities.
6. What if I’m a renter?
Only homeowners on file with the Las Sendas Community Association, or those they designate, may pick up new amenity access cards. Contact the homeowner or have your property management company contact the homeowner and ask them to fill out this online form if they want to designate you as the pick up person:
All homeowners and designees will be required to present their photo ID in order to pick up or purchase amenity access card(s). 
7. I'd like to purchase additional cards. What do I do?
Each lot is provided with one amenity access card free of charge. Lots are permitted up to two additional amenity access cards, for a total of three possible cards programmed for each lot. These additional cards cost $50 each and can be paid for when you pick up your free amenity access card.
For renters, the homeowner of record must authorize you to purchase additional cards as they will be programmed under the homeowner's name.
8. What if I do not currently live at Las Sendas and have an off-site address on file with the Association?
If you have an off-site address on file with the Association, you should have received alternative options for obtaining your card in the mail. If you did not receive this mailing, click here to view the letter.
9. I live in Las Sendas. Can you mail me my card?
Yes! There is a $5 shipping charge for cards that are mailed to any address that can be paid for by check. Use this form to request that your card be mailed to you.
10. Why are the additional cards $50 each?
One of the primary benefits of the new access cards is the added security they will provide for the pickleball and tennis courts, and the convenience of one card for all amenities. The Board set the cost for the keys at $50 with security in mind. 
11. I picked up my card, why isn’t it activated?
Cards may be deactivated if an owner is 15 days behind on assessments or any fees. If you have a past-due balance on your account, please call our office at 480-357-8780.
Updated Wednesday, June 2, 2021.
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