Las Sendas


Listing in this directory does not indicate endorsement by the Association. If you are interested in listing your business, please complete the form below. If your business listing is approved, we will follow up with you regarding payment before your listing is posted to our website.
All service-based businesses serving Las Sendas will be accepted; brick-and-mortar businesses must be located within a reasonable distance from Las Sendas. Exceptions can be made at the Association’s discretion. The Las Sendas Community Association reserves the right to decline any business for any reason at any time.
If you would like to list your business in multiple categories, you will need to submit this form once for each category and will be invoiced for each listing separately. Multiple businesses will be accepted for each category and will be listed alphabetically.
Listing Fees
Our introductory rate for annual listings are $150.00 for businesses owned by Las Sendas residents and $200.00 for all other businesses. Your listing will appear for 365 days beginning on the date that your payment is processed by the Association. Listings will automatically expire after 365 days. At this time, listings can only be approved for one year at a time. Any changes to listings during the 365-day period will incur a $25.00 fee regardless of residency status.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at
Your Details
Business Listing Details

Optional Coupon Details
If you would like to offer a discount along with your listing, enter the details below.

example: $15 off tire rotation