Las Sendas offers several official communications channels (linked below) so you can stay informed. Sometimes residents read information from non-official channels such as Facebook groups or Nextdoor, and reach out to us with questions. It’s important to note, the information on these channels is not always accurate. We are always happy to talk through any concerns shared by residents, but in response to a recent increase in misinformation circulating throughout the community, we wanted to share answers to some of the questions we are receiving.
Where can I get accurate information?
We have several options:
Resident emails – If you are not receiving weekly emails, visit and scroll down to the feature box that says, "Sign up for emails." We share upcoming events, board meeting agendas, news from the Spa & Fitness Center, and reminders for ARC, security, maintenance and more.
Website – At, you can find the meeting and event calendar, copies of Board meeting agendas, meeting highlights, meeting minutes, current policies, and more on the documents page. We also share current events and various articles.
Bulletin Boards – Each enclave has one or two bulletin boards which are updated at the start of each month. Here you can find upcoming meeting and/or event times for that month, seasonal reminders, and specials from the Spa & Fitness Center.
Magazine – There is only one printed publication created by the Las Sendas Association, and that is the Las Sendas Living Magazine. It is a free, 24-32 page quarterly magazine that is mailed to every homeowner and resident in Las Sendas, along with free copies at the Trailhead office. The magazine covers seven categories: Association News, Home and Landscape, Health and Wellness, Clubs and Programs, Lifestyle, Around Town, and the Las Sendas Golf Course. Links to online versions of past issues can be located on our website under “
My Lifestyle.”
While we share most of our information through the channels above, below are a few other options.
Facebook and Instagram – The Association and the Las Sendas Spa & Fitness Center each have individual Facebook and Instagram accounts for event reminders, updates and recaps. The Facebook pages are “Las Sendas Community Association” and “Las Sendas Spa & Fitness Center.” The Instagram handles are “@mylassendas” and “@lsfitspa.”
Text message – Typically at the start of each week, a text message is sent to subscribed members for final reminders of upcoming events and meetings, and specials at the Las Sendas Spa & Fitness Center. To subscribe, send a text to +1 (480) 530-5231.
What happened at the recent Board Workshop?
On May 22, the Board met for a workshop to discuss options for the Trailhead Members Club.
Like all association amenities, components of the Trailhead Members Club are included in the reserves for replacement, refurbishment or upgrades. The Reserve Study, which a third-party reserve study specialist prepares, gives each component an "expected useful life." A portion of the quarterly assessments is allocated to the reserve fund to save money to repair, upgrade or replace each component when the time comes.
Every year, the Board reviews the list of items approaching the end of their expected useful life. Management and the Board discuss whether each component needs to be replaced or repaired as scheduled or deferred. One of the Board's priorities is to maintain the Association's common areas in a premier condition, reduce down time and keep the community marketable for buyers. As such, the Board completed most reserved items as scheduled.
Many of the interior components of the Trailhead were due to be replaced or upgraded in 2022. These include (but are not limited to) room partitions, carpet, furniture, wall paper/paint, ceiling fans and more. Many of these items are still in good condition and do not need to be replaced; however, some of the items are outdated or worn-looking and should be replaced to keep the Trailhead Club an inviting amenity for residents to use.
In 2020, the Board learned that the Trailhead Members Club is the Association's largest and most under-utilized amenity. Thus, in preparation for the upcoming Trailhead reserve projects, the Board asked the Community Planning Advisory Group ("CPAG") to present a plan to increase the resident usage of the Trailhead. Part of this project was to explore what would need to be done to make the Trailhead a more desired amenity for Las Sendas Residents.
CPAG spent most of 2021 researching to understand resident usage of the Trailhead. This research included a review of the Trailhead's then-current usage and site tours of other amenities at similar master-planned communities. To understand the needs and wants of the residents, CPAG sent a community-wide survey to all residents and invited residents to attend focus groups to collect quantitative and qualitative data.
CPAG shared the results of their findings with the Board during the regular Board Meeting on January 27, 2022. These upgrades included new windows and doors for more indoor/outdoor space, making the Trailhead accessible to residents after-hours, and installing a cafe area so residents could come and enjoy food or beverage, and more. The Board asked CPAG to obtain a conceptual design and budget. Once the Board received the conceptual budget, it was apparent that the cost of the project well exceeded the funds available in the Reserve Study. Thus, the Board has been discussing what work, if any, should be done in the next couple of years.
The tentative plan is to look at the Trailhead components due for repair or replacement to determine whether they need to be done. More significant changes will likely be deferred so
the Association can save money through the Capital Improvement Fund; this may take 5-10 years.
The Board is still in the process of gathering information. When the Board discusses the Trailhead, it will be during regular Board Meetings or Workshops, which are open to owners so you can attend. The best way to learn about these future meetings is to read our weekly emails and check the calendar on our website. The Board will also consider holding a town hall or inviting residents to see the plans for the Trailhead.
Does the Board have the authority to spend money?
Yes. The Board of Directors, made up of volunteer homeowners from the community, is entrusted and charged with protecting, preserving and promoting the best interest of the community. Each year, homeowners elect directors to fill the expiring terms. An association Board of Directors has the authority to manage the affairs of the Association, including making decisions on reserve and capital improvement expenses. The Bylaws and Arizona state law grant this authority. The Board of Directors makes decisions on projects at an open Board meeting, and residents are welcome to attend. You can also learn about various projects at Before any new, significant expense, the Board may choose to send information to residents. Our presentation about the new playground equipment in 2020 is an example of this.
What is the difference between a Regular Board Meeting, a Board Workshop and a Town Hall?
At a Regular Board meeting, the Board will hear various officer and committee reports and decide on association business. Homeowners are welcome to attend these meetings and are given a chance to speak. Per Arizona law, the Board will permit a member or member's designated representative to speak at regularly scheduled board meetings once the Board has discussed a specific agenda item but before the Board takes formal action on that item. The Board also holds an Open Forum during its regular Board meetings to allow members to speak. The Board is authorized to place reasonable time restrictions on those persons speaking.
The Las Sendas Board holds approximately ten regularly scheduled meetings per year, and agendas are made available to members via email or our website.
A Board Workshop is a special meeting called for the Board to hear a report on a unique project or have a more in-depth discussion about various topics that may need more time than is available at a regular Board meeting. Like regularly scheduled Board meetings, special board meetings and workshops are for the Board to discuss association business but are open to members for attendance to foster transparency and trust. Because the Board will not take any formal action at a Workshop, the Board may limit or restrict owner comments, especially if there is a concern about the amount of time available for the Board's discussion.
A Town Hall is a special meeting for members to learn about a particular project or issue. The Board may call a town hall if it expects much interest in a specific subject, wants to give a formal presentation or give members more time to speak and ask questions. The exact format of a Town Hall may vary.
Why is the Trailhead being used to generate revenue?
Residents can come to use the Trailhead during regular business hours at no charge, provided there is not already an event, program or meeting scheduled in the space they want to use. If a resident wants exclusive use of a portion of the Trailhead for events like weddings, showers or parties, they can rent a part of the Trailhead for a fee. The revenue we receive from the rentals helps offset (lower) our quarterly assessment amount. As such, non-residents are allowed to rent the facility, as well, but pay a much higher fee than residents. These rates are available on our website.
What is the difference between the Reserve Fund and Capital Improvement Fund?
The Reserve Fund is a savings account to repair or replace existing large common area assets (or components). Examples include street maintenance, replacement of playground equipment, sealing the pool deck, painting common area walls, and replacing furniture inside the Trailhead. The CC&Rs require the Association to establish and maintain a reserve fund to help ensure enough money is available in the savings account for each component when needed. The reserve fund also helps prevent special assessments.
The Board established the Capital Improvement Fund so it could add new capital assets to maintain Las Sendas as a premier community and be responsive to the changing demands and expectations of our residents and potential residents. The Board can contribute up to 5% of the annual assessment amount to the capital improvement fund. To learn more about this fund, please click here to review the
Capital Improvement Fund Policy.
Do custom lot owners pay less than production lot owners do?
No. All lots are assessed equally at $402 per quarter.
Las Sendas has 3,430 lots, which includes 618 Custom Lots and 2,812 production lots. While each lot has the same assessment amount, more revenue comes from production enclaves because there are more production lots than custom.
How is the Association paying for the irrigation system?
Capital Improvement Funds are being used to replace the irrigation system with a PVC system.
Did the Board turn off the common area water?
Roughly ten years ago, before CCMC or the current board members began serving the community, some of the water meters that serviced unmaintained areas were turned off. The trees and shrubs in these areas were well-established, native plants and did not need additional water.
Did the Board install "Jumping" Cholla Cactus?
No. Cholla were a part of the community's original landscape pallet before homes were built. They were also included in the original landscape plan around portions of Eagle Crest Drive drafted by the first builder in Las Sendas and approved by the City of Mesa. The Association's previous landscape contractor was asked to propagate "pups" of agave or "pads" of prickly pear cactus to fill in bear areas. This helped replace plants that had died while saving the association money. We have no record that cholla was ever intentionally propagated.
Does the staff need more space?
Since CCMC started managing Las Sendas, the Board has added a dedicated Design Review Coordinator and Communications Manager. Additionally, the part time Lifestyle Assistant position was transitioned to a full time Lifestyle Coordinator. The team was able to repurpose the existing space to provide workstations for these new positions.
Why do we need to spend $1.2M to prevent people from having to wait outside?
During CPAG's research, residents shared that they would be more inclined to use the Trailhead as a meeting location if they did not feel like they were walking into an office. As such, one of the options CPAG considered was walling off the existing receptionist window, moving the lobby to a smaller office near the front of the building, and making the Trailhead available to residents after-hours by adding an amenity access system. At the May 22 Workshop, management shared that the front office would not be a suitable lobby due to its size because there would not be enough room for residents to wait. The change would also require the modification of the existing workstations, which would negatively impact the staff. This portion of the work was estimated to cost about $160,000 and is currently "off the table."
Is the Spa and Fitness Center using our pool?
The Association offers recreational programs and classes for residents, including soccer and dance for children and children's and adult swim classes. These programs and classes are held in association common areas and typically only last an hour at a time. Outside of these programs, some residents enjoy swimming in the lap lanes for independent recreation; they are able to attach lap lanes when needed.
Why isn't the Boulder Mountain Pool heated?
Around 2013, the pool heater at the Boulder Mountain Swim Center was removed. Heating the pool during the winter cost between $15-21k per year. This past winter, the cost to heat the Trailhead pool and spa was over $20k more than the cost to heat the Boulder Mountain spa.