Las Sendas


This is a comprehensive list of official Las Sendas clubs. If you don't see a club you'd like to join below and are interested in starting your own, contact Lifestyle Director at 
Scroll to the bottom of this page to view our clubs calendar and see upcoming, scheduled club events and meetings. 
Club members must sign the Club Waiver here to participate in Las Sendas Club activities.  
The Las Sendas Community has participated in Mesa's Adopt-A-Street litter collection program since 2002. A dedicated group of your neighbors has collected tons of litter along their assigned one-mile section of Power Road, just north of Las Sendas.
If you'd like to assist with these clean-ups contact
Bocce Drop-in
Bocce Drop-in
This club was organized to create a socially competitive environment where Las Sendas residents interested in bocce can meet. We play every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 pm at Boulder Mountain Parke (behind the pickleball courts). Depending who shows we create teams and play. We play at Boulder Park behind the pickleball courts.
For more information, follow our Facebook page or email Michael Innes at
Book Club
Book Club
The Las Sendas Book Club is open to everyone in the community! This is a wonderful way to get to know your neighbors, read interesting books, and enjoy lively conversation. New members are always welcome.
For more information about the book club please contact Amelia Miles at
Second Tuesday of the Month
6:00 – 6:30 pm happy hour, 6:30-8 book discussion

Bridge Club
Bridge Club
This is a trick-taking card game using a standard 52-card deck. In its basic format, it is played by four players in two competing partnerships with partners sitting opposite each other around a table. If you enjoy playing or want to learn how to play, come and join us! Open to men and women. 
Contact Sharron for more information: 480 981-7074
1:00-4:00 pm @ the Trailhead
AZ Corvettes of Las Sendas
AZ Corvettes of Las Sendas
AZ Corvettes of Las Sendas is a group of like-minded Corvette owners who enjoy participating in the Corvette lifestyle and the hobby of owning a Corvette.  Our club is open to all Las Sendas Corvette owners who want to have fun with their Corvettes and who want to build friendships with other Corvette owners.  We hold social gatherings on a regular basis and we also plan monthly driving events to various destinations.
For information about our group, please contact Joe at or Denise at
We typically meet each month for a dinner social and a drive event to a destination predetermined by an event host.
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
The Las Sendas Vette’s Club is open to all community Corvette owners and enthusiasts. We meet monthly for dinner socials, and have monthly club day or overnight Corvette trips. We also participate in Corvette shows and other Corvette-related special events and tours.
For club information, please contact Gary at
First Wednesday of the Month
Varying times at various locations (local restaurants or a club member's home)
Meet neighbors and make friends at the Dice To Meet You family-friendly board gaming club.  Limited games will be provided by the hosts, and attendees can bring their own favorites to share with the group. Games should be suitable for ages 10+.
This is a welcoming environment where no experience is required, and games can be taught.  Whatever your experience level, there’s a seat for you at our table!
Example games:
-“Calico:”  a puzzle game with the theme of cats and quilts
-“Latice:”  a pattern-matching game with a Hawaiian theme
-“Elevenses:”  a card game where players compete to make the best morning tea
The only question is…are you game?
Beginning February 2025, the Dice to Meet You Club will meet on the first Sunday of the month from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Feel free to contact Brittany & Henry at with any questions.
This is a trick-taking card game using a modified 24-card deck.  You don’t need to bring a partner!!  Partners are random and rotate each game, so you have a different partner each time.  If you enjoy playing or want to learn how to play, come and join us! Open to men and women.  Please join the Facebook group here for details and to RSVP to our next get-together.  
Contact info:  Brenda 480-220-0852
Ladies of Las Sendas
Ladies of Las Sendas
Join the Ladies of Las Sendas for networking opportunities with great women from throughout our community. All ages and women welcome, including women in business, stay-at-home moms, and retirees.
Please feel free to contact Patricia Phillips at
Join our Facebook group at
Las Sendas Hikers
Las Sendas Hikers
If you are an intermediate-level hiker and like moderately paced hiking, please join our new hiking group called “LasSendas Hikers”. We will have a weekly hike of 5+ miles generally on Thursday morning leaving from the LasSendas Trailhead Member’s club parking lot. If you are interested, please join the group at This group is only open to Las Sendas area residents. Please contact Greg at with an questions or if you wish to be on the email list.
Mah Jongg
Thursdays / 1 - 4 pm @ the Trailhead

Join us for American Mah Jong! We will supply what you need. All you have to do is show up! 

For more information, please email Michele Sipress at, or text 630-835-4670. If you text, please be sure to include your name! 
Moms of Las Sendas
Moms of Las Sendas
This club is a social neighborhood Facebook group for any mother or expecting mother who can offer advice, support, referrals, meet-ups, and friendship. This page is for Las Sendas residents and closely neighboring communities, and the ultimate goal is to create a fun, friendly atmosphere for moms. 
Quilter's Club
Quilter's Club
Do you enjoy quilting? Join the Las Sendas Quilter's Club! You'll also be able to participate in the Annual Quilt Show put on here at Las Sendas.
Contact Penny for more information at
Second Sunday of the Month
10:00 am-1:00 pm @ the Trailhead
Third Monday of the Month
5:15-7:30 pm @ the Trailhead
Retirees Bocce Club
Retirees Bocce Club
If you play bocce or used to and want to try it again, join us for fun, sociable mixed doubles. Our retirees' club has no age limit, no fees, and no need to sign up! Our group includes a diversity of talent levels so we welcome every age to give it a try.
Contact Jim Lynck @
First, third, and fifth Wednesday of the month @ 6pm, unless there is Sunsets on the Patio on the third Wednesday. (October-May)
Retirees Club
Las Sendas Retirees 
Just what is LSR anyway?
Lotta’ fun! 
That’s what this group of over 100 members (most retired-but not all-some married and some single) enjoy year-round. Fun filled activities include bocce ball, hiking, tennis, seasonal parties, day trips, over-night trips, games, dinner theater, special summer indoor activities and more! 
Say what! 
Members enjoy local speakers who cover a wide variety of topics. LSR meets at 9 AM at the Trailhead Club House every 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning of each month starting the 4th Tuesday of Sept. and concluding the 2nd Tuesday of May. Meetings include a social time prior to the speaker and an optional lunch after the meeting. Annual membership is only $25 per person.
LSR is robust residents having fun, ready and willing to welcome anyone desiring to make new friends, learn new things and socialize. Did we mention food?
For more information, contact Jeanine Simpkins at 480.227.6857 or 
Retiree Tennis Club
Retiree Tennis Club
If you play tennis, or used to and want to try it again, join us for fun, sociable mixed doubles. Our club has no age limit, no fees, and no need to sign up! Our group includes a diversity of talent levels, so we welcome every age to give it a try.
For more information, contact Ulla Kukora at 215-920-1788 or
7:00-9:00 am @ the Sonoran Hills (Court 3)
Run/Bike/Tri Club
Run/Bike/Tri Club
This group was founded in 2001 by Beverly Crupi to provide the opportunity for runners, cyclists, and triathletes of all levels to train together. Our mission is to provide a supportive and motivating environment for athletes to train and compete together. We post weekly core schedules on our Las Sendas Run/Bike/Tri Facebook page.
Contact Beverly at for more information.
Salt River Paddlers Club
Calling all paddling enthusiasts! The Salt River Paddlers Club is your one-stop shop for exploring the scenic Salt River by kayak or stand-up paddleboard (SUP). Make new friends and memories with our friendly community.
Contact Michael Innes, 480-734-4789, for more information.
Samba Club
We're on summer break until November!
Wednesdays / noon – 4:00 p.m. at the Trailhead
It sounds like a dance club, but it’s not. Samba is a card game, often described as Hand and Foot on steroids. We play with six decks of cards, as a four-person table and partner game. This is a fun way to use your brain for a few hours. Currently, the game is seasonal, as most of the players will depart Mesa for the summer.
For more information, email Karen at; feel free to ask any questions.
Don't see a club you'd like to join? Contact for more infomation
Below you'll find upcoming, scheduled club events and meetings. You can always find these on our Community Calendar.

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