Las Sendas


Here at the Association, there are many frequently asked questions. Below you'll find answers to those that are most common. If you still have questions after reading through this page, don't hesitate to contact us.

  • chevron_rightCan I park in a cul-de-sac?
    All cul-de-sacs are considered fire lanes and parking is prohibited at all times.

    In addition, most enclaves in Las Sendas have one side of the road that is a marked fire lane.  When you see a sign saying “Fire Lane No Parking” that includes the entire side of the street - not just in front of the sign.
  • chevron_rightCan I park in my driveway?
    All garage bays must be used for motor vehicles before using your driveway for overnight parking. Oversized trucks that will not fit in a garage are an exception.
  • chevron_rightCan I park on the street?
    Residents may not park their vehicles in the street overnight per the Las Sendas CC&R’s.
  • chevron_rightDo I need approval for a shed, basketball hoop, trampoline, or play equipment?
    Yes. Sheds, basketball hoops, trampolines and play equipment need approval from the Architectural Review Committee before installation. Any exterior modification to your residence also needs approval.
  • chevron_rightDo I need approval to paint my home?
    yes. Exterior painting of production homes must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) before painting, even if you’re selecting an approved color scheme. Exterior painting of custom homes needs ARC approval even if you are using the same colors.
  • chevron_rightWhat kinds of plants can I plant?
    Please review the approved and prohibited landscape plant and tree listings in the Architectural Guidelines when considering changes to your landscape. The use of a plant not on the pre-approved list and any significant changes to your front or rear landscape must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee before commencing work. A plant from the pre-approved plant list may be used to replace an existing/dead plant without approval.
  • chevron_rightWhen can I put out my trash?
    Trash and recycling containers may be placed at the curb after 6:00 pm the day before pick-up and must be removed by 6:00 am the day after pick-up.  Containers must be placed out of sight all other times.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I park my commercial vehicle?
    Commercial vehicles as defined in the CC&R’s may not be parked overnight in Las Sendas.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I park my recreational vehicle or trailer?
    Recreational vehicles and trailers may be parked in a driveway for up to 24 hours for loading and unloading only. If a recreational vehicle or trailer is too large for your driveway you may apply for a parking waiver to park on the street by filling out a Design Application that can be found at
  • chevron_rightWhat do I do before painting my home?
    Prior to painting your home, you must submit an architectural review application. Please click here for more information. 
  • chevron_rightCan I post a political sign in my yard?
    If a sign is placed on Maricopa County property, it is permitted in compliance with their guidelines, per A.R.S. 16-1019. Political signs may be placed in the public right-of-way, as long as they are not hazardous to public safety. Signs cannot placed prior to 60 days before the election, and must be removed within 30 days after the election (15 days for right-of-ways).

    The Las Sendas Community Association will remove signs placed on LSCA property. In most cases, however, political signs in Las Sendas are legally placed in the public right-of-way or on private property. Council has the right to remove political signs on its own property, but may not remove signs on any other property (e.g. the county's).
    In the event of a complaint when a sign is on business/commercial property, the LSCA will contact the business owner. In the event that the sign was not approved by the property owner, the property owner may remove the sign. Except in unique situations, the LSCA will not remove the sign. Commercial properties may have political signs within 45 days of an election or 7 days after an election (unless the signs violate city or county ordinance). All other signage must comply with the LSCA’s Non-Residential Design Guidelines policy; in most cases, signage other than political signage requires LSCA approval. 
    The homeowners’ associations are governed by A.R.S. 33-1808, which provides that the associations must allow political signs on a member’s property, but no earlier than 71 days before the day of the election and signs must be removed within 15 days after an election.
    Per ARS 16-1019, it is a class 2 misdemeanor for any person to knowingly remove, alter, deface or cover any political sign of any candidate for public office or knowingly remove, alter or deface any political mailers, handouts, flyers or other printed materials of a candidate that are delivered by hand to a residence for the period commencing forty-five days before a primary election and ending seven days after the general election.
  • chevron_rightWe had a "universal code," but now it's not working. What happened?
    Our team regularly monitors the use of authorized codes and looks for trends that indicate they may have been "leaked." When a code is leaked or appears to be overused, it takes an Association team approximately four hours to reprogram a replacement code in all 62 gates and notify the authorized parties of the new code. In the case of a City code, for example, dozens of emergency workers would need to be informed. 
  • chevron_rightIs there a "universal code" for residents, babysitters, Realtors, pizza delivery, etc.?
    There is no approved "universal code" for Las Sendas residents to use. There are a small handful of codes that management provides to authorized parties such as association vendors, utility companies, the City of Mesa and the police. These codes must be confidential to protect all of Las Sendas residents.  
  • chevron_rightWhat gate code can I use?
    There are two ways your family, guests and contractors can gain entry into your neighborhood:
    Each home should have its own four-digit gate code. Your family and regular guests can use this code.
    For less frequent visitors or contractors, please instruct them to find your name in the Directory to call you from the call box. When the call box calls your phone, press "9" on your phone to open the gate.
    Sometimes residents will give out their code, and that code is shared with others or used by a vendor to visit multiple lots within the neighborhood. To reduce access by uninvited parties, we request that you use the call box feature when possible, and change your four-digit code every year or so.  
    If you would like to change your gate code or phone number, please call the Trailhead office at 480-357-8780, and we would be happy to assist you. 
    Safety and security are important to the Las Sendas Community Association. To that end, the Board recently authorized the expenditure of over $1,500,000 to replace vehicle gate components to reduce repairs and add additional features. This project will make the gates more reliable, secure, and more friendly for our members to use. 
    Thank you for helping keep Las Sendas safe and following the above guidelines.
    Tip: When ordering items for delivery, please be sure to add your four-digit code to the special instructions.
  • chevron_rightCan you tell me more about the recent vehicle gate project?
    Click here to view Frequently Asked Questions regarding the 2020-2022 vehicle gate component replacement project
  • chevron_rightHow Does the Finance Committee Handle Investments?
    To ensure that the Las Sendas Community Association has sufficient funding to replace and repair assets and roads, the Association maintains a reserve fund. Approximately $10 million in reserve funds are held in investment accounts, with a goal of earning a return better than the rolling three-year Consumer Price Index performance, plus .5%, while maintaining liquidity, so funds are available as needed. 
    Click here to learn more.
  • chevron_rightWhen do my trash and recycling bins get picked up?
    If you live north of McDowell, you should follow this schedule:
    • Tuesdays — trash
    • Fridays — recycling and green waste
    If you live south of McDowell (in Trailridge, Windsong, or Grayfox), you should follow this schedule:
    • Mondays — trash
    • Thursdays — recycling and green waste
    As a reminder, you may put out your trash or recycle container on the curb no earlier than 6:00 pm the night before pickup. Containers must be removed by 6:00 am the day after pickup and stored out of sight.
  • chevron_rightWhy are the trees trimmed up so high over the roads?
    The City of Mesa requires tree branches and shrubs to be trimmed, so they are a minimum of 8 feet over the sidewalk and 14 feet over the street or alley. 
  • chevron_rightWhat Is Dream Catcher?
    The Short Answer:
    Dream Catcher is a small single family home development planned for a parcel of land just outside of Las Sendas, on the east side of the community near Rock Canyon I. On behalf of the Developer, their Real Estate Consultant contacted Las Sendas requesting permission to access a City of Mesa sewer line that is located inside the boundaries of Las Sendas, and utilize two retention basins inside Las Sendas for excess run-off water. According to the Real Estate Consultant, both the sewer line and the retention basin are currently able to accommodate the new development, so no changes will be needed. The development will not become annexed into Las Sendas and the request does not include selling any land to or from Las Sendas. The Association does not have the authority to approve the plans for the development, only to grant permission to tie into the sewer line and continue using the retention basins.
    The Long Answer:
    In 2007, a developer group obtained final subdivision plat approval through the City of Mesa. Unfortunately, prior to beginning construction the Real Estate market crashed in 2008 and the project never recovered.  
    As part of the project approval there were two hurdles that required the assistance of Las Sendas:
    1.       The owners needed permission to tie into the sewer line currently south and west of Rock Canyon I, and
    The owners needed permission to utilize two of the retention basins in Las Sendas (just south of Rock Canyon I and West of Rock Canyon II) for some of their excess run-off.
    Las Sendas approved both in 2007 after reviewing the information with their engineers and attorneys.
    Fast forward 13 years and a group of owners wants to develop again.  It is a much smaller development than the original proposed subdivision (called Ghostrider back in 2007).  13 years ago there were plans to develop 32-34 lots, this group is now looking to develop 12-14 lots, about 1/3 the size.
    As part of the project, the land owners still need the approval of Las Sendas to tie into the existing sewer line and utilize the retention basins.
    The sewer line currently exists in a Tract that is dedicated for utility purposes, so no new easements need to be granted, just permission for the group to tie into it.  The City has already verified the lines are big enough to accommodate the tie-in and the land owners have already engineered the utility connection from the prior project.
    Additionally, the retention basins were already designed for the water run-off from the property. When Las Sendas was first developed the property surrounding was all county and did not have any retention requirements.  So the basins in question already receive all of the water run-off from the property.  
    The presentation of this new project and the proposed agreement will be reviewed by the Board at a subsequent meeting, when the Trailhead can accommodate such a meeting with more than 10 people. As with all meetings, the Association will properly notice the meeting and agenda to residents once it is scheduled. This meeting will be open to all residents.
  • chevron_rightWho are the statues of throughout the community?
    The Las Sendas community is proud to own and display this unique residential art collection.  We hope you enjoy discovering these figures and learning the stories of the people they represent.
    1995  Developers, Scott Walker and Buddy Johnson, purchased 16 bronze sculptures for their planned community  “Falcon Ridge” They placed the figures along hiking trails. Their choice of subject was based on their perception of the individual’s contribution to the 20th century.
    1995  Blandford Homes took over the project which, in addition to the land, included the statues and renamed the development “Las Sendas”.
    1995 – 2002  Many of the pieces were relocated from the trails to more visible sites.
    2007 Ten of the pieces remained on the property.
    2016 The Las Sendas Community Association put plans in place to have four of the pieces still on trails, moved to more public areas.
    2017  All of the pieces were cleaned, and polished for the first time in 22 years.  Missing identification plaques were replaced.
    2018  Relocations were completed, minor repairs were made, lighting was added to nine of pieces, and landscaping was improved at all of the statue sites.  In addition plans were put in place for ongoing annual maintenance of the entire collection.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I go hiking?
    Las Sendas is central to various hiking and mountain biking trails here in Mesa. There are various trails within Las Sendas and many more right outside of the community. Please visit The Hawes Trail Alliance for more information on the Hawes Trail which borders Las Sendas and connects to our community trails in various spots. 
  • chevron_rightWhat schools are in the area?
    Las Sendas residents are in the Mesa Public School District which includes the following schools:
  • chevron_rightHow much does a membership at the Golf Club cost?
    Residents of Las Sendas may contact the Las Sendas Golf Club for membership rates at 480-396-4000.
    The Las Sendas Golf Club is a separate entity and in no way associated with Las Sendas Community Association. 
  • chevron_rightHow do I sign up for the Spa and Fitness Center?
    To sign up for the Las Sendas Spa & Fitness Center please visit their website or call the front desk at 480.832.6900.
  • chevron_rightHow do I report a noise violation (Dog barking, wild parties, screaming, etc)?
    In response to noise complaints, there are several approaches. Residents can report the complaint to the Association by either calling Patrol at 480-220-1794, if the noise is occurring between the hours of 3 p.m. and 5 a.m. so they can drive by and witness (hear) the activity and possibly contact the owners in real-time or for on-going noise complaints, you can formally report the violation by completing a Complaint Form to the Association.
    For stronger enforcement, noise complaints can also be reported to the City of Mesa Police by calling their non-emergency line at 480-644-2211. Should the noise violate the Noise Disturbance Ordinance of the City of Mesa (Chapter 12) which states that if “noise is intermittent or continuous for a period of at least 15 minutes, OR if it is after 10:00 p.m. but before 6:00 a.m., AND exceeds the property line, AND disturbs the peace and order of the neighborhood or a person of ordinary sensibilities, it can be considered a violation of the ordinance” the police may issue a citation and can issue escalating fines for repeat offenses. Please note that both the Association and the City of Mesa may require complaints from two different residents in order to escalate enforcement action.
    Finally, if you know the property owner, or the name of the management company contact them directly by phone, email, or writing. You can also file a complaint on vacation rental websites or platforms that advertise the property if the property is used for rental purposes. 
  • chevron_rightCan I reserve The Trailhead for a wedding?
    Yes! The Trailhead is an amazing place to host a wedding. The price will depend on the day of the event and whether or not you are a resident of Las Sendas. Please visit our rental page for more information.
  • chevron_rightHow do I make a reservation?
    If you'd like to reserve a tennis, pickleball, or bocce court, ramada or field at a park, or a banquet room at The Trailhead please visit our reservations page. If you have further questions, please email or contact our office at 480.357.8780. 
  • chevron_rightWhat is Las Sendas doing to reduce the risk of a fire in the community?
    The Board of Directors prioritized Fire Risk Mitigation in 2020. In January 2020, the Board approved the expenditure of $51,000 to have fire risk mitigation work performed in the common areas of seven enclaves. The State of Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM) was scheduled to begin the work in March. 
    Unfortunately, the project was delayed due to COVID-19. To honor its commitment and perform fire risk mitigation in 2020, the Association contracted with its landscape contractor for the project in 2020. Since the landscape contractor's cost is roughly three times higher than the DFFM crews', the scope of work had to be modified (reduced). At this time, we do not know if or when the DFFM crews will be able to perform the fire risk mitigation work in Las Sendas. The Landscape Committee will work with its landscape contractor to develop a revised phased plan for work in the community. In preparation for a revision to this plan, the Board approved additional funds for fire risk mitigation in 2021. 
    Below is the list of enclaves scheduled for 2020. 
    1. Stonecliff
    2. Whispering Ridge
    3. Echo Canyon
    4. Tapestry Mountain
    5. Granite Ridge
    6. Ironwood Pass
    7. Desert Vistas
    Several years ago, the City of Mesa Fire Marshall contacted the Association with a recommendation to address some of the overgrown vegetation in the natural common areas that border homes within the community. The Fire Marshall also provided recommendations for Mesa residents. In response to the letter, the Board of Directors approved roughly $233K of fire fuel mitigation efforts in 24 enclaves between 2016 and 2018. It was the first time any significant removal of vegetation in these common areas was performed since the community was developed roughly 20 years ago. 
    In 2019, the newly appointed Landscape Committee consulted with the Captain of the Mesa Fire Department and the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM) to better understand the recommended scope of work. During these conversations, the Committee learned that the DFFM has a partnership with the Arizona Department of Corrections and trained Fire Crews are available to perform fuel reduction work. In addition to completing this work in Arizona forests, these crews regularly perform work in homeowners associations around the valley similar to Las Sendas. 
    The scope of work is specific to reducing the amount of fuel (vegetation) to reduce the risk of fire spreading through common areas. An additional benefit will be the reduction of debris that may impede the natural flow of water in the washes.
    Tentatively, the Board plans to continue this project to complete the first phase of fire mitigation in 2021. Thereafter, the work may be done every few years, budget permitting.  
    It should be noted that while the Association is taking some preventative action, the proposed work will not guarantee fires will not start or spread within the community. The Association is not liable if a fire starts, spreads or causes damage to any private property. Homeowners are responsible for taking necessary action to protect their private property.
    What is the advantage of using the DFFM to perform the work?
    The cost to have the DFFM perform the work is roughly one third the cost charged by landscape contractors; thus, the Association can save tens of thousands of dollars. Also, because the DFFM crews perform fuel reduction throughout the state year-round, they are knowledgeable about how much vegetation needs to be removed to reduce the potential impact of a fire event without clearing all of our valuable deserts. 
    What will we see when they're finished?
    As a general rule, the scope includes the following, This isn't a science. It's more of an art by trained professionals (this does not apply to 2020):
    Clearing away vegetation within five feet of walls
    Trimming trees so that branches do not hang lower than about six feet from the ground
    Removing any "dead and down" material, meaning large broken branches, dead trees and shrubs, fallen trees or branches.
    Breaking up large, dense areas of shrubs by removing some shrubs. 
    Trimming any very large shrubs 
    They will do their best to trim plants attractively, but they are not landscapers and it probably will not look manicured when they are done. Vegetation will be chipped and the chippings will be dispersed onto the ground. Dispersing the material on the ground is recommended for three reasons: it will save the Association money by reducing dump fees, it will help prevent erosion during heavy rains and it will help hold in moisture for plants.
    What can we do to protect our property?
    • Routinely remove plant debris from your roof and gutters.
    • Move combustible material like wood and patio furniture 30 feet from your home.
    • Remove/trim tree branches that touch the ground or your home.
    • Promptly remove dead and dry plant material from trees and shrubs within 30 feet of your home.
    • Trim dense areas of shrubs and trees within 30 feet of your home to create "breaks" in vegetation. Custom lot homeowners, be sure to contact the Association or Mesa Code Compliance before removing vegetation outside your building envelope. 
    • Visit or search your online for Firewise USA (TM) for more info.
    • Be Prepared – To learn how to receive emergency notifications from Maricopa County and how to prepare in the event of an evacuation or other emergency visit: 
    Tell me more about the Department of Corrections Crews
    The crews are made up of about 18 minimum custody, low-risk, non-violent inmates currently serving sentences in Arizona, plus uniformed Department of Corrections and State Forestry personnel who also work as part of the crew. The crew members need to complete rigorous interviews to be a part of the program and maintain very strict mental and physical health requirements. 
    These men and women aren't simply performing landscape demolition. They are firefighters with advanced training qualifications that equal or exceed those of non-inmate firefighters like Sawyer and Crew Boss and Firefighter Type 1. In addition to performing fuel mitigation efforts in communities like Las Sendas, they also perform suppression efforts during wildfire season, disaster clean-up, and search and rescue assignments.
    The partnership between the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management and the Arizona Department of Corrections helps reduce recidivism rates state-wide by providing opportunities for men and women to learn skills and gain experience that will help them transition back into society after release. The experience goes beyond vocational, as there are meaningful mental, emotional and relational advantages for those participating in the program. 
  • chevron_rightWere cell towers installed in Las Sendas?
    The City of Mesa worked with various service providers to install small wireless facilities on top of some of their street light poles within the City Rights of Way. The decision to install these was first decided at the state level, and because they are in the Right of Way, Las Sendas was not a part of the decision making or planning. 
  • chevron_rightWhat can be done bout bad cell phone service?
    Residents should call their individual providers to report cell phone issues in the area. The providers have ways to track those complaints and determine what repairs or adjustments are needed.

    The Association has attempted to advocate on behalf of residents, but each provider reiterates that individual users need to call so they can get specific details. The Association is not able to add a cell tower or device that would improve the service for multiple providers. 
  • chevron_rightDid we change landscape maintenance companies?
    Yes! The Board of Directors engaged with ProQual Landscaping, beginning August 1, 2020. You can learn all about the selection process here
Lifestyle Events + Activities
  • chevron_rightHow do I reserve a tennis, pickleball or bocce court?
    Under "My Community" click "Make a Reservation", then click "Reserve My Court" and this will take you to If you've never made a reservation on this site before you will need to create an account. Be sure to add each “club” — tennis, pickleball, and bocce ball individually. Once you’ve made an account, you can also download the Reserve My Court app and make reservations anytime, right from your phone!
  • chevron_rightWhat is a pool access card? How do I get one?
    A pool access card is a credit-card sized card that works as a key to gain access into the Trailhead pool, Boulder Mountain Pool, tennis courts and pickleball courts. To use the card, simply hold up the card to the reader that is on the side of the entrance gate to the pool.  
    New cards were issued in May, 2021 and each property is given one complementary card. Each property can have up to 3 access cards and each is $50. You can pick up your new card and purchase additional cards from the Trailhead Members Club office.
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if I have further questions about events?
    If you have questions about events, weddings or other facility rentals here in Las Sendas, please contact our office at 480.357.8780.