Las Sendas


Looking to make a change to the exterior of your home, including your front or back yard? You've come to the right place. No matter the change — exterior paint, a pergola, plant replacement, pool, patio, you name it — you are required, per our CC&Rs, to submit an application for review by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and/or Design Review Coordinator. Other examples of commonly submitted requests include windows, window screens, and roof replacement, to name a few.
There are two sets of design guidelines, one for production homes (built by a developer, such as Blandford) and another for custom lots (homes designed and built by a homeowner and contractor of their choosing).
Please select your home type below for guidelines, applications, and additional resources.


Production homes were built by a developer, such as Blandford. Production homes likely have similar architectural characteristics when compared to other homes within an enclave. You must submit and receive approval prior to painting your home or making any other changes to the exterior of your home.
Guidelines and Applications 
Please submit your completed Design Review Application to Applications must be received two weeks prior to the next Production Architectural Review Committee meeting. Per our CC&Rs, our Committee has 30 days from receipt of your complete submittal to issue a decision.
2025 Production ARC Meeting Schedule
Production ARC meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 8:00 am
January 9 & 23
February 13 & 27
March 13 & 27
April 10 & 24
May 8 & 22
June 12 & 26
July 10 & 24
August 14 & 28
September 11 & 25
October 9 & 23
November 13 & 27
December 11 & 25


Custom homes were designed and built by a homeowner and a contractor of their choosing. Custom homes are likely on larger lots, some of which contain a building envelope that restricts any improvements outside of that building envelope. If you are planning to make improvements outside of your current building envelope, you will need to provide an as-built survey along with your application. These homes have unique architectural characteristics when compared to other homes within an enclave. You must submit and receive approval prior to painting your home or making any other changes to the exterior of your home.
Please submit your completed Design Review Application to Applications must be received two weeks prior to the next Custom Architectural Review Committee meeting. If your application requires review by our architect consultant, per our CC&Rs, our Committee has 30 days from receipt of your complete submittal to issue a decision.
For your information, Custom Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meetings often begin with on-site property inspections, so the start times of scheduled meetings will vary. Please contact our office at 480-357-8780 if you would like to attend.
2025 Custom ARC Meeting Schedule
Custom ARC meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:00 am
January 2 & 16
February 6 & 20
March 6 & 20
April 3 & 17
May 1 & 15
June 5 & 19
July 3 & 17
August 7 & 21
September 4 & 18
October 2 & 16
November 6 & 20
December 4 & 18
Looking for the next Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meeting? Visit our community calendar to find a list of upcoming Association meetings.